Video Games Wall


Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 251

Aurychansan said …
Interessante Posted 6 months ago
MisterH said …
For those living in Europe, Danmachi Memoria Freese is having a pre-release campaign for your continent: link Posted over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
I have been playing Dragon's Dogma for over 500 hours. I need help. Posted over a year ago
NoLoser-cret said …
Hey guys, I created a club dedicated to Warframe. Feel free to join us: link Posted over a year ago
SwordofIzanami said …
Hey guys, I created a couple of video game related clubs if you guys are interested:

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate:

BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle:
link Posted over a year ago
SwordofIzanami said …
Yay! Pichu is playable again in Smash 5! Planning to main her! Posted over a year ago
TheLefteris24 said …
For Fans of the Fate Franchise:

link Posted over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Dragon Ball Fighters Z is just mmmmm, hell yeah can't wait Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse said …
It still blows my mind that Fanpop doesn't even have a favorite Videogame section on profiles. No wonder its so hard to find people on Fanpop that even play games. Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Yeah, it seems to be so :P over a year ago
bouncybunny3 commented…
I've thought that too! I'd love to be able to put down my favorite games on my profile. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
Same. It would be nice to have a Videogame Section along with the rest. Much easier to find fellow Fans in that aspect !!!! over a year ago
EgoMouse said …
If anybody is getting Puyo Puyo Tetris on the Nintendo Switch, DM me and we can add each other. I already have friends that are getting the game, but hey, can't hurt to have even more friends to play with xD Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
....I'm not a pro. So, hopefully you get some challenge off me xD over a year ago
legend_of_roxas said …
That awkward moment when your parent gets you a game you already have... Posted over a year ago
ParagonDiamond commented…
Which isn't so bad, actually. You could trade it in for another one over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Place is mad dead yo Posted over a year ago
EgoMouse commented…
We're too busy playing games, clearly :v over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
So dead it took me a month to see this :v over a year ago
legend_of_roxas commented…
Well then some of us should try to get it up and running again! over a year ago
pandaminebomb said …
My friend said play fnaf i played nearly fell of a my chair
scary to the max. I vote kirby im just a pro gamer looking
for a club(not braging) Posted over a year ago
kicksomebut23 said …
Vote for the new Icon on the Kirby club

link Posted over a year ago
big smile
ParagonDiamond said …
I've been travelling the past three weeks, and I managed to buy two of my favourite PS1 games for the collection.... R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 and G-Police. Can't wait to play them when I get home! Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 said …
So my friend got me to play Life is Strange. basically, from what I saw in the first two episode, it's a game about angsty emo and hipster kids with time travel abilities. So, I'm guessing it's like Back to the Future, with more edge and less MacBook Pros. Also, Mr. Jefferson looks a lot like Mr. Aerni, my writing teacher Posted over a year ago
ghinwa commented…
the game is super awesome and im sure you have already played it by now. Mr. Jefferson also happens to look like one of my teachers too XD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I have that teacher again this year..... I don't trust him now. XD over a year ago
ParagonDiamond commented…
Well? What did you think of it? :) over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
It was a lot more depressing than I thought it would be over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 said …
Hey, seeing as how everyone on here has played Dragon Age: Inquisition, can someone tell me how I get power faster. I can't play the rest of the main story without a lot of power so I can get through the rest of the game? Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
And yes, I do try sidequests. It just takes far too long. I may just be stupid and may have missed something to help me get them faster, but I just can't find them over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
It is just sidequests (some are pretty quick, especially in the Hinterlands, there's so many) but also requisition quests, there is an unlimited amount of requisition quests (collecting materials) that you can get power from. But honestly about 1/4 of the way through the game, you will have unlocked so much power that you never even think about it because you always have plenty. over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I will. Thanks again over a year ago
ParagonDiamond said …
Finally finished Prince of Persia: The Sands Of Time in a good ol' game night. I can't believe how fun that game still is. Also that I never beat it before, haha! Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
nice x3 Gah, I should have a game night tonight, it's been a while. over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
I love Ni No Kuni but that battle system is confusing af! Please choose to be turn based or real time, why did it have to be this weird mixture of the two ??? Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
I only ever played the demo, but I found the battle system a lil weird too over a year ago
joey188 said …
anyone who likes video games feel free to add me as your fan. Posted over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
I have 3 psp games at the moment. I can't play two of them because my stupid r button won't work! And I have to use it in order to proceed, fml Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
....that really freakin' sucks :/ Have you seen someone if you can get it fixed? over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
I asked my dad but he hasn't done anything over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
I know a lot of people are hyped for Sonic's 25th anniversary but I have to ask, does anyone care that 2016 will also be Crash Bandicoot's 20th anniversary and Jak and Daxter's 15th anniversary or is it just me ? Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
I care :3 I'm more hyped for that tbh. over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Same here. I really hope something happens instead of it just quietly passing like Crash's 15th anniversary over a year ago
big smile
vegeta007 said …
And thanks to the purchase of Daxter I now own all the Jak and Daxter games. I'm one of from getting all the Ratchet and Clank games, the ones that matter anyway :P, and three more from owning all Sly Cooper games. This year I will complete the collection! Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Nice! over a year ago
big smile
vegeta007 said …
Oh I love you Sony. GTA Trilogy 75% off ? That I was I love you guys, I just wanna hug my ps3 right now Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
lol I saw that in the store. Hopefully there's a January sale like last time.... I got insane discounts on the last January sale. over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Well there is a price drop for certain games at the moment like the Arkham collection, Sly trilogy, God of War collection etc. over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Lol I'm with you about that job thing xP over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Hey guys, I have Metal gear solid 2 and 4 but I don't have 3. Could I play Mgs 2 without playing first or should I just wait until I can buy the first off of the psn store ? Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
You could. I never played the first one. There are some mentions of the first game, but only very minor. As long as you are okay with them mentioning Shadow Moses a few times, its okay to start MGS 2 over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Thanks. Gonna play me some MGS2 this weekend over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Awesome :D over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 said …
Oh my god, the new Smash Bros. character revealed on Nintendo Direct.... Oh, my god.... I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it. Just go and watch it. It's amazing Posted over a year ago
Britt601 said …
Shadows of the Damned is extremely tongue-in-cheek, but it's one of those hidden gems that many have never played. Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Oh, I heard of that game. It's pretty cool. If you like it, than you should play other Suda51 games, like Killer7, Lollipop Chainsaw, and No More Heroes over a year ago
Britt601 commented…
Yeah I got Lollipop Chainsaw but many have said the other two missed the mark on some things. Still gonna check it out though. over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
You should. They are both awesome games. I love Suda51's insane work over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Anyone else have that friend that you love but just want to strangle sometimes ? My friend bought a PS4 and even though it has a great a library he's only interested in getting Assassin's Creed. I'm not gonna knock him for his tastes but that's all he's getting for the system, it came with Mortal Kombat X and he's not even gonna play that, it kills me a little on the inside Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Oh dear hahah he'll learn eventually. I have a friend who I love and hate with gaming. All she plays on console is Tekken. Comes over to my house and we must play Tekken :v Which is fine, but there's so many other games :| over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Yeah, same here. My friend is always showing my FNAF stuff. I don't even like FNAF, but, as a good friend, I listen to them. But every time he shows me them, I am laughing, but on the inside, I'm thinking about slapping him back to the Victorian Era over a year ago
ActualSewaddle said …
Resident Evil Code: Veronica X is scary. :< Posted over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Haven't played a Resident Evil game before, how are they ? over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
I've only played 5 and 6 and they played more like action games :P Although I've heard the others are much scarier... which I probably wont be able to handle xD over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
@Zeppie. They sure are. Especially the first one on Gamecube over a year ago
big smile
vegeta007 said …
Got a nice haul. The Spyro Trilogy and Crash 2, 3 and team racing. Gonna have a fun Spring break Posted over a year ago
shadowlover3000 commented…
The Spyro Trilogy is the best! :} over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
That is an amazing selection, have fun xD over a year ago
ActualSewaddle commented…
That's a REALLY nice haul! over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Can someone guide me on PSN ? I updated my PS3 and I can't find the classics on the store Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Games > Discover, then you'll find PS1 Era and PS2 Era categories. However the PS1 Era one isn't loading the games for me, so I don't know if that's just a problem on my end or if it's a bug. over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Thanks. They show up for me but it takes a little bit over a year ago
big smile
ActualSewaddle said …
Video games are one of my favourite ways to fill my free time! Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Same here ^_^ over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Anyone see that Kingdom Hearts 2.9 leak ? Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Yep. Thinking it is a KH3 demo, much like FFXV's demo 'Episode Duscae'. As a method to gain feedback on gameplay mechanics perhaps. over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
I'm guessing ~Nov 2017 for KH3. 1.5 was late 2013, 2.5 was late 2014. We're getting the announcement of 2.8 late 2015 and at the same time 2.5 was announced (later part of the year) if I remember correctly, which happened a year before it released. So with that you have 2.8 probably late 2016, then finish it up with KH3 late 2017, seeing as they have a track record of releasing these games at that time of year. Ah, and with that, I'm going to sleep hahaha. Thanks for quite the discussion! It has been a while since I had one of these. over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Yeah that sounds about right. Gives me enough time to get a Ps4 XP Goodnight, I can assure we'll be having more of this once I play Birth By Sleep over a year ago
kicksomebut23 said …
Today is the 20th aniversity of PlayStation Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Ah yes, saw it all over my fb xP Happy 20th to the beautiful Playstation~ over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 said …
Just bought Chrono Trigger for my Wii, and I do not regret the purchase Posted over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Oh my gosh, Final Form looks so damn good! When I finally got it, it was an epic moment of epicness. Not to mention Sora looks so damn good in that Final Form. Kingdom Hearts 2 rocks!!! Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Amen to that. Appearance-wise, final form and anti form are my favourites. over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Appearance-wise Final and Wisdom are my favourites. But overall Final and Valor are my favourites. I love Valor because it represents my reckless style, all attack no defense. Although I'm looking forward to trying out Limit Form whenever I can get my hands on HD final mix version over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Limit Form is op, it can regen health :P Oh shoot, forgot Wisdom. Well, movement-wise my favourite is Wisdom form. Master form has good magic attacks though. Well dang, all the forms are great xD over a year ago
maralol9876 said …
has anyone played the DLC for the evil within yet? im talking about "the consequence" DLC Posted over a year ago
maralol9876 said …
the only games i really enjoy playing are RPG and horror....WHO'S WITH ME?!?!?!? Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
RPGs for life~ With horror it's hit or miss for me though xP over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Oh man do I love me some Press Triangle to win......I mean Kingdom Hearts 2. Great game from start to finish, definitely a 9/10 for me Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Pls, you know it's 10/10 xD Also press triangle to win is being removed from KH3. I'm actually kinda sad about it, I loved seeing those awesome mini-cutscenes for the attacks. over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Hahah, my first playthrough was like that too. But best to use them to level up the abilities for normal Sora. If you play crit mode for 2.5 however, Limit Form becomes your best friend, it's almost impossible without that form especially for OrgXIII data battles :P over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
*limit form over a year ago
maralol9876 said …
i just tried out the evil within for the first time. its so panic educing!!! and scary!! Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I know how you feel over a year ago
tamore said …
Ughhh why is PSN down literally all the time?! Xbox live never has his problem, cmon Sony... Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Shoot, ikr? over a year ago
tamore commented…
I'm just tryna play destiny here 😭 over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Uncharted 4
Batman Arkham Knight
FF7 Remake
The Last Guardian
Horizon Last Dawn
South Park: The Fractured But Whole (XD)
Dream (The game by Media Molecule)
Also: Ratchet and Clank
Infamous Second Son
Someone please give me money, I need PS4 RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
sonicfan94 said …
New club for sonic and mario fans name of it is Sonic and mario Posted over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
link Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
YESSSSS omg, my brother and I were going nuts for that trailer xD over a year ago
maralol9876 commented…
i want it!!!! over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
>Really want to play more Kingdom Hearts 2
>Want to start Ni No Kuni right after that
>I start exams in two days
Why must the world be so cruel?! Posted over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Doesn't help that I was listening to Twilight Town's theme over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Damn, that sucks. Well, good luck on exams over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Life is cruel T-T over a year ago
kicksomebut23 said …
Your are likely to pass a game without using rage, if you are capable of it. Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Well, I doubt it. I mean, I get angry at all games. Even Animal Crossing :P over a year ago
kicksomebut23 commented…
XD, it really helps, you have to try. over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Okay over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 said …
Hey, anyone else have Nintendo Video for the 3DS. I just started watching this series known as Misadventures of Link, and even though it is only made to sell Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, it's pretty funny, and I actually like it. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a Wind Waker fan........ But I'm totally saying it because I'm a Wind Waker fan Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 said …
So, I saw the trailer for the movie trailer, about where video games try to take over the world. It looked promising... until Adam Sandler appeared on it. That was when I lost ALL hope Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
The movie is known as Pixels, of course over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
How did that trailer go under my radar? xP But man, disappointing! Had hopes for a second that this may have been a video game movie done right, because that happens extremely rarely... over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Very true :( over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
I'm totally avoiding Ni No Kuni, I bought it back in December and I still haven't even taken the disc out yet. It's just staring at me waiting to be played XP Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
So, are you gonna play it over a year ago
Whirlwind586 commented…
I'm doing the same thing with Far Cry 4. I dunno why though because I loved the last one, but now I guess I don't like shooters as much as I used to. over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
@Windwakerguy430 I actually really want to. It's the game I've been looking forward to for a long time now. I just can't seem to bring myself to play it. Every other game is currently getting my attention over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
I totally understand that feeling xP I've been wanting to play FFX-2 HD and Dragon Age 2 for so long because I bought them ages ago, but I just keep putting them off for some reason :| Even though I want to play them..... over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 said …
Universal is making a Nintendo Theme Park....... I feel like I can finally die a happy man :D Posted over a year ago
ImAnEasel commented…
:O I always dreamed of a Nintendo theme park when I was little - that's awesome! But I bet it's in America, or Japan, or somewhere less boring than here... :( over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Its in Universal Studios in Florida over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Oh damn, I am in love with that Twilight Town theme from Kingdom Hearts 2! <3 Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
:D It's one of my favourite music tracks in gaming ♥ Hope you enjoy the game! over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
I am enjoying it so far but I wanna get out of Twilight Town. I'm on the 5th day how much longer do I have to stay there ? over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Will do over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 said …
I just got Super Smash Bros for 3DS and Wii U, and it is so awesome. I also got an amiibo of Link, AND, I finally found an AV cable for my Playstation, so now I can play games like Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot, and Final Fantasy VII again Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Lucky :3 over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I guess. Now, it's time to get Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Aah bad word!! I just picked up Crash Twinsanity, a game I love to death, and a game I've always wanted Metal Gear Solid 2. I bought them from the same shop but MGS didn't have a manual. I don't know why but it's bothering me to heck! Does anyone else have this thing where if a game doesn't come with a manual you get a little ticked off ? Because I get a little more than pissed off Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
YES. I love the game manuals. Whenever I lost those as a kid it made me feel like the game was incomplete xP over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Same here.... Most any. Every manual always looks so cool to read, and I enjoy looking through them. Then you have the kind of manuals that are just two pages only, and have a wall of text on a white layout, in otherwords, paper that I can use as fuel for my fire :P I miss the days when they actually put effort into game manuals over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 said …
Hey, did you guys see that ballot for a new Super Smash Bros character. That looks awesome. I already made my vote (I voted for Skull Kid from Majora's Mask). Did any of you guys vote Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Where's the ballot? over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
It's on the official Super Smash Bros. Website. You can get to it easily through the link in the Nintendo Direct video April 1st, when they are talking about Smash Bros. over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Is that a good idea. I mean, its okay to vote for character who aren't from Nintendo, but shouldn't the companies at least have worked with Nintendo at one point (Like Sega, Namco, Konami, and Capcom) over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Word of advice, never let little kids play with your games if you're not around. Two of my games are gone because my father let them play while I wasn't around and I am very pissed! Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
I KNOW THAT FEELING T-T What games are gone? over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
My copies of Rayman Origins and Dragonball Z Budokai HD over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Hunt for them back! over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
No worries I got them back, one of the brats took them but my uncle got them back for me over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
That final boss of Kingdom Hearts though. Not nearly as frustrating as Ursula and Riku/Ansem. Really, I didn't even die once while fighting the boss, the closest I got was the second time where I had one HP left (Thank you Second chance!). I'm not even joking this only one of a few bosses that I didn't struggle to beat Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
...have you battled Sephiroth yet? :3 over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
No I haven't. And I don't plan on fighting him until I play through the game again, my defence was miserable, I know now to never ever drop the shield XP over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Well I dropped the shield and chose the staff. I know that choosing shield gets you the best abilities earlier, like guard and second chance over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
I have a new found hatred for Ursula :P I kinda liked her in the movies but after that second boss fight I hope she gets caught and gets fried for other people to enjoy. She is the first boss I've ever faced that made me want to crush my controller, not even Cerberus went that far and I spent a damn long time fighting that thing :P Posted over a year ago
TheDannyMan commented…
...Are you at the part where you battle Maleficent yet? over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
No not yet, I just finished Atlantica before I stopped playing over a year ago
TheDannyMan commented…
I actually liked Atlantica much better in Kingdom Hearts II. The musical part was a bit cheesey, but it made for a nice change of gameplay, and at least it didn't had broken combat XD over a year ago
TheDannyMan said …
Happy 14th birthday, my dear Game Boy Advance! Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 said …
TheDannyMan said …
Happy 15th anniversary, PlayStation 2! On to many more fun-filled years! Posted over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Still have mine, gonna enjoy it til it's 20 years! :D over a year ago
kicksomebut23 commented…
Why is playstation better than Xbox? over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
They feel the same to me, minus the controller and their exclusives. No offence to those who like XBox and Playstation. Just saying. over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Oh man, I just realized I haven't touched Kingdom Hearts since I first played it on January 1st. I was actually enjoying the game I like, just stopped....oh well, onto Final Fantasy 10 Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Imbossible! How far did you get? Although KH1 is harder to get through than KH2. over a year ago
TheDannyMan commented…
@Windwakerguy: Kingdom Hearts II is still amazing though. That game actually aged like wine over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
I know, need to pull a marathon this Friday so I can get through it :P over a year ago
Britt601 said …
Hey Gaming fans,

I need your help in expanding the intriguing precipice that is known as 'Bloodborne'.


Keep gaming on, folks. Posted over a year ago
shadowlover3000 commented…
What is it? over a year ago
Britt601 commented…
An upcoming video game by the creator of Demon Souls and Dark Souls. over a year ago
shadowlover3000 said …
Okay, so I've been surfing on Amazon to find some new gen games. Unfortunately, other than Shadow of Mordor (which I already have), I haven't found a single game above the three-star rating. Seriously, can someone please advise me some good games? I play Xbox 360, PS2, PS4, and PC. Any suggestions? :| Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
If you're looking more for next gen, then definitely go for Dragon Age: Inquisition on ps4. Once you start getting into the story it's amazing ^^ over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Well, the best game I can recommend for XBox 360 is Halo 4. It's great, and well made. But, thats all I got for now :P over a year ago
shadowlover3000 commented…
I already have Halo 4, but thanks for the suggestion. :} over a year ago
deathding said …
Can you please join my club? It's called Battle Cards! Thanks, ^___^ You can see it in my favorites and please leave comments, answer some polls, and if you can, play the game for me? It's very fun, I promise! :) Posted over a year ago
deathding commented…
So just remember if you didn't join yet, t's never too late! :D over a year ago
kicksomebut23 said …
Sega does what Nintend don't. Posted over a year ago
yamishadow2001 commented…
lol over a year ago
kicksomebut23 commented…
you get that joke. over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Oh, I remember that slogan. Man, that was a classic commercial over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Anyone know if all Crash games are available on PSN ? You know like a collection. I ask because I just checked PSN and it wasn't there, only all three games separately but there is a Spyro collection on there but not Crash :/
Side note did anyone check out the Nintendo Direct today ? It was pretty cool and I'm looking forward to a lot of the new 3DS titles, especially Puzzle and Dragons Z looks really interesting :) Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Nope, pretty sure they're separate, which is odd. But they were $2 each last time I checked. Maybe they've gone back up to $7 though now. over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
They around $7 now but I really wanted them all together over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Still kinda sucks, since, there hasn't been a new Crash game in a LONG time. And, did they really need to sell them all separately. That's just stupid over a year ago
Itachi_Boy said …
Shadow of The Colossus vs The Last of Us :D What do you think is better?
For me , it has to be Shadow of the Colossus , not better , the BEST! Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
That's quite the question! As a game.... I would go with SOTC. But as a character study, definitely The Last of Us. The characters and relationships in The Last of Us and the DLC is extremely well developed. But the epic gameplay in SOTC and chilling ending is unmatched! over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
For me.... Shadow of the Colossus over a year ago
Trigunprincess said …
I love the ps2 even if u have to use memory cards. Posted over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
It'd take over not being able to play a game because I don't have enough hard drive space :P over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
I miss memory cards. It made gaming at someone elses house with your own save data so much easier. over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
So does 99.9% of the fans here :P over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Just finished Ratchet and Clank Nexus and I must say it was a beautiful epilogue to the future series. Taking you on that memory trip in side the museum was awesome. My biggest gripe with it though was that it was too short. Really hit me when it ended and I was kind off expecting more but still, awesome game and definitely one of my favourites :D Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Why the hell haven't I played this yet lmao.... it's so cheap, I'll pick it up tomorrow xP over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
You will enjoy it and it's worth it considering you get a free Quest for Booty download :) Though the game is locked at 30fps it doesn't look as good as A Crack in Time XP over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Oh I hate that, I've had to rebuy a few games even though there's nothing visibly wrong with them over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
I've got 3 jrpgs waiting for me. KH 1, Ni No Kuni and FFX. The problem is I don't know which I should play first Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
I'd go with Ni No Kuni first. Then KH1 and KH2, either one before the other. And finish it with FFX......cos you will be spending a damn long time on FFX hahah xD over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Well they'll have to wait because I just picked up Ratchet and Clank Nexus. I'm such a sucker for Ratchet and Clank :P over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Fair enough xP over a year ago
big smile
vegeta007 said …
Finally! Beeping finally!! Yesterday I was finally able to pick up a copy of Kingdom Hearts 2. I've wanted to try out Kingdom Hearts for the longest time and I was able to get my hannds on Kingdom Hearts 2 but I still need to look for the first one. And wait 10 days until I get home Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Awesome!!! I know for a fact that my copy of the HD remix is sitting under the Christmas tree right now... the wait is taunting me T-T But KH2 is actually a good starting point :) I started with KH2 before the first one, and I didn't get lost. over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Well I actually don't have to wait, other than waiting to get home :P Lucky me got his grubby hands on KH 1 today! Now I can finally play me some KH, that is unless FFX gets in my way :P over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Oh, I love that game. Granted, the story is a little..... weird, but its an amazing game over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
I....I.....I don't even........ Hey guys Nintendo's actually doing very well in the gaming scene and guess what that's just awful. Oh my gosh, why are people this stupid ? link Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Wow, well at least the comments on that article restore some faith :P over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Wow. It's amazing how dumb some people can be over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
I picked up Playstation Allstar Battle Royal yesterday (Finally XP) and I surprised myself. I thought Ratchet would be my main but I've played so much Spike that I'm pretty sure he's my main now, and he's not even my best character XP Now with that, has anyone played Ape Escape ? And is it good ? I've never played Ape Escape before so I wouldn't know :P Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I have very faint memories of it, but I do remember liking it, that is over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Has anyone played Heavenly Sword ? I absolutely love that game and it looks beautiful for a game that was released early into the ps3 's life. Now can someone tell me how in the holy name of the sword do you beat Bohan ? I've spent hours trying to beat him and I've gotten nowhere. Apparently he has 3 phases and I still haven't gotten past the second phase! Now did anyone else have trouble with the boss or do I just suck ? Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I have not played this game, but, if you ask me, just look up a strategy guide somewhere on the internet. Usually works for me over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
I have that game on my gaming shelf, I just haven't played it yet, my brother has though.... I probs should :P over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
@Windwaker Nah I'm that kind of gamer who's stubborn and refuses to use strategy guides or walkthroughs even when I'm totally stuck :P over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
@Zeppie you should, the game is very good and really helped the PS3 at launch. It's really good over a year ago
Tyoshisaurmk said …
I am a Yoshi RP account add me if ya want Posted over a year ago
Itachi_Boy said …
I am making my own game :) its called "Resident Evil - Salvage Hunting" , the development was started about 3 months ago , I'm developing as well as learning coding/programming :)

Take a look , official page =
link Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
That's awesome. Great job :) over a year ago
Itachi_Boy commented…
Thank you so much! ^_^ over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Your welcome over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Does anyone here own PS Vita ? I've been pondering get for a while now and I was gonna look for an affordable one after exams but I'm not sure whether I should get one. So if you have Vita can you tell me if it's worth getting or not ? Posted over a year ago
Itachi_Boy commented…
Read my thread : link over a year ago
Itachi_Boy commented…
I've explained why I wouldn't buy a Vita. over a year ago
hellofriend9001 commented…
It's definitely worth getting there some great games for vita if you're going to get a vita I recommend getting a bundle such as the walking dead or borderlands 2 bundle over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Majora's Mask was recently announced for the 3DS and all I can ask is why is that the trailer ? I mean it doesn't seem like something that would hype up anyone besides people who are already in love with the series. I mean if I've never played any Zelda game, I wouldn't consider buying it at all. Also the moon looks hella terrifying XP Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I saw the moon, and yeah, I am going to have nightmares for weeks............................. But, I love Zelda games, so, Nintendo, SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
I just watched it now. I've never played a Zelda game (shock horror) but that trailer gave off extremely creepy vibes ._. I didn't think Zelda was that strange for lack of a better word, or is it just this Majora's Mask title that is a weird one? And yes....that moon is nightmare worthy D: over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
And, let me remind you, THIS IS A GAME MADE FOR KIDS!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!! WHAT THE F**K over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
So the most hyped 3DS game this year is about the same price as a game that was released 3 years ago and sales weren't as high as they usually are for the game ? Okay cool whatever you say Nintendo, you know what you're doing.... I guess.
Not to mention the prices increased from 450 to 500 so that's cool Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Wait, what game is this again? over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Super Mario 3D Land is the same price as Super Smash Bros 3DS over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Again, sorry to hear that over a year ago
nickfire47 said …
More people in the pokemon club than this. LOGIC Posted over a year ago
Itachi_Boy commented…
Lol! over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Yeah, that doesn't make a lot of sense over a year ago
deathding commented…
Wow, I mean I love Pokemon too but.....WOW XD over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
No perfect logic is that Super Mario Bros has more fans than this over a year ago
Itachi_Boy said …
Shadow of the Colossus is the best game ever made in my opinion! Truly fantastic masterpiece , 11/10! Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I agree. Its a great game over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
You will not be disappointed, that collection is a gem in ps3 library. Not like a certain collection (Ratchet and Clank XP) over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I agree. They are great games. Much better then what we get today (Call of Duty is OVERRATED) over a year ago
Trigunprincess said …
soul reaver is cool! Posted over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
So two days ago I was enjoying my ps2, playing DBZ BT 3 with my cousin. Yesterday I bought a Wii for myself, no games since I live in a Nintendo scarce area. Today I decide to play ps2 some more, life says f**k you and.....disc read error... fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuu... Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Sorry to hear that :( over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Finally cleaning up games I've left off for a while now. I just finished Rayman Origins (Spectacular game, get it if you don't have it already) started up Pokemon X again for a while then stopped since my batter is flat and now I go to the game I've been holding off forever. Ratchet and Clank 1 I hope that I can finally finish that game now since it has been bugging me for weeks that it's incomplete, especially since I'm a Ratchet fanboy Posted over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Anyone else addicted to the Super Smash Bros demo ? Because I'm so hooked on it now, I've been keeping my 2DS on sleep mode so I won't run out of uses Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Oh, same here. I love that game. So addicting :D over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
It really is and it's funny you commented, my current top character is Link XP He's the only one that I can handle level 9 opponents with over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Same here over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
You know that feeling of a game you loved as kid then you go back to it after forever and you can't bring yourself to enjoy it ? I just got that with Ratchet Deadlock and I don't feel the same way I used to about it. It's weird relationship I have with it so expect me to write a little review about it , look out for that Posted over a year ago
TheDannyMan commented…
Happens to loads of games with me. I have nostalgia for this game called Shadow Man, on the PS1. I loved it so much as a kid, but now I really don't think it's anything special. Probably since it's dated so much ^^' over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Not having a memory card reminds me of my youth when I didn't have one, I used to finish games and then do it again. I did that today but I don't feel like it XP Got too many games I wanna finish but I wanna keep playing! Anyone else have this problem where you need to finish a game but you just don't feel like it and you play a game you've finished millions of times ? Because I got it bad Posted over a year ago
GabsSaw commented…
That happened to me once. I purchased a new Pokemon: Black version and played it for a bit, then got bored and ended up playing Pokemon Diamond version the rest of the month even though I had it MUCH longer than Black version! over a year ago
big smile
GabsSaw said …
Just purchased a new game called Lego: Lord of the Rings last night! And It is a really fun game so far!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
All the lego games are great! :) over a year ago
IllusionDolls commented…
Ooh, I've immensely enjoyed all of the Lego games I've tried so far, I'll have to check it out eventually! ^^ over a year ago
GabsSaw commented…
I am thinking of getting Lego: The Hobbit next! over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
I'm bored :P So tell me, what's your favourite video game ? Not one of your favourites, your absolute favourite
Mine is Ratchet and Clank 2, it's just so freaking good. It mixes fast pacing action with platforming and just makes it work. Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. It has a great story, has amazing visuals, has a wonderful soundtrack, and has such a nostolgi feeling when i play it over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
I want to go off on a list of games that I think are completely equal in my eyes....but....if you insist, Kingdom Hearts 2 is my favourite game by the smallest of margins :) over a year ago
IllusionDolls commented…
The Kingdom Hearts series in general, but, as for my all-time favorite individual game, I'm going with Zeppie and sticking with KH2. Not only for the nostalgic value, everything about it is, forgive me for choosing such a corny-sounding adjective, "magical". =) over a year ago
GabsSaw commented…
Lego: Lord of the Rings. I happen to be a HUGE Lord of the Rings fan and the lego games have no equal in greatness, in my opinion! P.S., Gimli is my favorite character to play as! ;) over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
The best music to ever come out of Ratchet and Clank, I DARE you to play me something better, you can't can you ? link Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
ell, I'll try my best. Try this song link over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Well I did say Ratchet and Clank and not overall XP over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
..................... Oh :P over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Yes, no arguing with that song! It's seriously brilliant, just like the game :3 over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 said …
I finally got to buy a new Gamecube. I never got to play it since 2006. Now I can play my favorite console again :D Posted over a year ago
FrostyBlazer commented…
Congrats over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
Haha nice :P I've never had a Gamecube but I've always wanted one but the thing's so freaking rare in my area no one has even heard of them over a year ago
GabsSaw commented…
Cool! over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
Oh dear, I picked up Devil May Cry and it was the first time I've ever played Devil May Cry and the game asked me if I want a tutorial and what difficulty I want. Now normally I would've said yes to everything but something inside me said F*&k that shit and skipped it and went straight to the hardest difficulty available Posted over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Yeah, I hate it when that happens. And it is a real annoyance sometimes :P over a year ago
Button-Mash commented…
You think that's bad? I have a digital copy of Muramasa Rebirth on the PonyStation Vita. I kid you not, there are 2 trophies for doing the tutorial on Kisuke and Momohime, one for each. In other words, if you wanted to 100% the trophy list for Muramasa Rebirth, you have to go through the tutorial twice. What a pile of horseapples that is. over a year ago
cblakes said …
i play world of warcraft its awsome Posted over a year ago
sieluvzsoul commented…
yeah that's a fun game over a year ago
cblakes commented…
i know right its hard though over a year ago
GabsSaw commented…
but that's what makes it fun! :) over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
"Never ever, fart on a man's balls"-Cartman (Stick of Truth) Posted over a year ago
vegeta007 said …
So I picked the HD collection for Ratchet and Clank a while ago. I played Ratchet and Clank one and it was good but Ratchet and Clank 2 gave me some, fanboy issues. R&C 2 is my favourite game of all time and the differences between the SD version and HD version made themselves noticeable and these really lessened my enjoyment of the game, and I really really love that game a lot Posted over a year ago
CylinShinhoster commented…
Rasheht n clanc l wove tha game no wat i saiyan over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
What differences in particular? I adored the R&C HD collection, can't say I could remember any faults x) over a year ago
vegeta007 commented…
It's just some things that most people would just let go but as a fanboy I just couldn't do that. To name a few, Ratchet's helmet is too big in the cutscenes, the tv on Oozla where you get the ad for the megacorp games is too small, the Electrolizer puzzle has a bit of lag when you complete a circuit, the intro where Ratchet plays other games go straight into the new game/load game screen. It's just some things that someone like me who grew up with these and played them a lot would find to be problem over a year ago
Zeppie commented…
Ah I see, understandable. Overall though I think it's still one of the best HD collections to date. over a year ago
CylinShinhoster said …
...- _- I KNOW WHAT U HIDIN Posted over a year ago
Wgeraredtv commented…
what i hidin eats pizza :DD over a year ago
big smile
awsomegtax said …
link Starfox Club Is Made! :3 Posted over a year ago
TheDannyMan said …
So was playing GTA IV just now...

I drove my car into a hotdog stand. No biggie, right? exploded. ._. Posted over a year ago
TheDannyMan said …
So has anyone played South Park: The Stick of Truth?
It's so much fun. :3 Posted over a year ago
IceBeam13 commented…
Not yet. over a year ago
Steven-Teresa said …
My brother raised his voice at my mom about his video game that I was trying to donate to Goodwill. Posted over a year ago