on/off sakamoto twins Updates

a pop quiz question was added: Which two songs were used in Vampire Knight? over a year ago by Sacred23
a poll was added: What is your favorite video? (Add some if I missed any) over a year ago by Sacred23
an answer was added to this question: how can you tell them apart in fetures? over a year ago by cc38cheung
a comment was made to the poll: Which picture is sweeter? #2 over a year ago by Pk2956
a pop quiz question was added: what kind of phone do naoya have? over a year ago by sakuraok
a poll was added: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by sakuraok
a question was added: how can you tell them apart in fetures? over a year ago by korashin
a comment was made to the poll: Which picture is sweeter? over a year ago by Pk2956
a comment was made to the screencap: banner over a year ago by minisabastian
a comment was made to the poll: Which one you like more? over a year ago by minisabastian
a poll was added: Which one you like more? over a year ago by lina_hinamori
a poll was added: Which of their songs, from their new single, Akatsuki, do you like the best? over a year ago by Zero_Kiryu3
a photo was added: smexy over a year ago by lexirae26
a comment was made to the photo: kazu over a year ago by lexirae26
a comment was made to the video: ON/OFF - Rondo over a year ago by vampireknight11
a comment was made to the photo: Sakamoto Twins over a year ago by Vampiyaa
a screencap was added: banner over a year ago by lexirae26
a pop quiz question was added: which twin is taller? over a year ago by lexirae26
a pop quiz question was added: Who was born first?? over a year ago by lexirae26
a reply was made to the forum post: which song(s) like you the most? over a year ago by lexirae26
a comment was made to the answer: k idk if this will work but the name of the persons channel that posted it was on/off group so u could search it with the name and the channel name... over a year ago by Vampiyaa
an answer was added to this question: Can anyone tell me how to get to the video of Naoya and Kazuya freaking out on Youtube? over a year ago by lexirae26
a pop quiz question was added: what day (and year) were they born on?? over a year ago by lexirae26
a pop quiz question was added: where were they born??? over a year ago by lexirae26
a poll was added: who would you want to go out with??? over a year ago by lexirae26
a question was added: Can anyone tell me how to get to the video of Naoya and Kazuya freaking out on Youtube? over a year ago by Vampiyaa