Death Note Role-Playing

IllusionDolls posted on Sep 15, 2013 at 01:17AM
Is anyone here interested in taking part in Death Note role-playing? If so, go ahead and tell me who you want to be! If you don't want to be any characters, or if all of the roles are taken, you can make up your own role! For example, I am making up my own role. I am 'Ayumi Mikami', though in this role-playing session, that's only an alias. I'll update when roles get taken and we can start! Remember, no Yaoi/Yuri and no smut! Please try to stay as in-character as you can! The first reply will decide how this story starts.

nidoqueen: OC
Light Yagami: Role Open
L. Lawliet: IllusionDolls
Misa Amane: Role Open
Mihael "Mello" Keehl: IllusionDolls
Nate "Near" River: Role Open
Mail "Matt" Jeevas: IllusionDolls
Teru Mikami: Role Open
Touta Matsuda: Role Open
Ryuk: Role Open
Rem: Role Open
Kiyomi Takada: Role Open
Beyond Birthday (yep, you can even be him!): Role Open
Naomi Misora: Role Open
Raye Penbar: Role Open
Shuichi Aizawa: Role Open
Soichiro Yagami: Role Open
Sayu Yagami: Role Open
Sachiko Yagami: Role Open
Sidoh: Role Open
Quillsh "Watari" Wammy: Role Open
Roger Ruvie: Role Open
Linda: Role Open
Any other roles you may want that aren't listed, let me know!
last edited on Oct 13, 2013 at 01:24AM

Death Note 73 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 73

over a year ago nidoqueen said…
(may i be an OC i know she is from pokemon but i feel comfortable with her you know with the girl being my own creation and all and the fact she is a pokemon/humanoid i do my best rp work if i use at least one of my pokemon/humanoid carecters she thinks an acts like L she sleeps, sits, and eats like L and she yes falls in love with L)
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
big smile
Of course you can!
nidoqueen commented…
thank you. ^ ^ over a year ago
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
*a woman with reflective blue black hair umbreon ears, and tale starts running down a dark ally way till she is tripped by a thug*
woman: ears pined back tale hid* p-please leave me alone *look of fear*
thug: *keeps going to her*
woman: *screams* SOME ONE HELP ME PLEASE!!!1
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
*Shoots gun at the sky and get's the thug's attention.*
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
woman: *covers her hears when she herd the gun shot*
*the thug turned and ran*
woman: *looks up to see who saved her* wh-who's there?
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
"Name's Matt. *gets a better look* You okay?"
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
woman: still a little frightened cos i have no clue how i got here *tale sways side to side and her ears still pined back and the look of fear still on her face the tale of her black dress flowing in the gintal breeze*
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
*Matt steps a bit closer and speculates her odd features*: Matt says: "Too afraid to speak? It'll pass, soon. Anyways, what is someone cute as you doing just wandering around in a place like this?"
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
woma: *she looks at him as if she was looking deep into his vary soul* (like L XD)no i can talk *blushes just a bit* my name is breona i know this may sound crazy but i don't even know where i am see i'm from the world of pokemon *gets into her pocket and gets out a box of pocky* want one? *pulls out one with only her thumb and pointer finger* (like L XD) i got a strawberry flavor one to if you prefer that?
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
Matt says: "Alright, slow down...the Pokemon world?" *Matt pulls out his DS and turns on a Pokemon video game, having a puff from his cigarette* Matt says" You mean like this one?"
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: yes then you must know all about my kind then *moves her tale so it would show and her ears perks up and she tries to fan the smoke away from her face* i gess what my mom has said is true beings from other worlds don't know where real *thinks as her eyes slowly looks at the burn scare that's over and around the one eye* if you don't mind me asking what happened to your eye?
nidoqueen commented…
you might like this it's the first time of makeing one and i got my inspiration from a kitten that passed away not long ago. link over a year ago
IllusionDolls commented…
Alright, I will check it out. :) over a year ago
nidoqueen commented…
lol thank you i was hoping it would turn out grate i already got 2 people who faved it. ^ ^ over a year ago
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
*Matt chuckles in response to her shyness* Matt says: "Hm. Never met anyone who took their cosplaying THAT seriously." *ignoring the fact that it is bothering her, he takes a puff of his cigarette, again. He lightly touches the new scar on his eye.* Matt says: "This? This is just luck. If you're worried about it, I should take you to my friend. He REALLY got the worst of it." *Matt stops to think for a moment. He decides not to tell her that his injury isn't from the same explosion or fire that caused his friend's, and not to tell her how he even got it.* Matt asks: "You live around here? Or are you just here for the conventions?"
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: *tale poofs out and her ears pin back again* i'll show you cosplay *turns into an umbreon then grals like a fox then turns back human* that is no allusion ether and no i already told you i am from the world of pokemon the men there sees me and my siblings and calls us freaks but it seams i'm the only one in my family that can eat nothing but sweets and not get fat or sick or get any thing wrong with the teeth *shows her sharp eye teeth* and yes i'd like to get out of this place before that thug comes back and tries to finish what thay started
breona: *tale poofs out and her ears pin back again* i'll show you cosplay *turns into an umbreon the
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
*Matt wonders if he's been smoking to much.* Matt mutters to himself: "With that Kira stuff going on, nothing should surprise me, anymore." Matt says to her: "Well, do you have a home, or not?
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: *looks down at her feet* no i don't not in this world at least and what the world is a kira? *a beam of red light shout out of her pocket and in it's place was a fox like pokemon* umbreon this is not a good time to be popping out of your ball
umbreon: but master i sense danger *looks at matt* and who in the pokemon world are you?
breona: it's ok girl he saved me from a thug
umbreon: *jumps up onto his shoulder and nuzzles him* thank you for saving master
breona: that is my pokemon umbreon she helps me on my cases some times back in my home world and she doesn't know how to show appreciation vary well
(my spelling stinks)
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
*Matt gives the creature an odd look and scratches it behind the ears* Matt says: "No problem. Least I could do after all" in a cocky tone of voice. Matt says: "Anyways, Kira is a long story, and I'll have to explain that, later. Anyways...this time you were lucky I was here to save the day, but the chances of me being there next time, not so much. How about you come home with me until we can work out a proper living situation for you?" [I don't mind. :)]
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
umbreon: *moves her head as if she liked it*
breona: *nods* ok *thinking in her mind* why do i have a feeling that i shouldn't trust this guy
umbreon: *jumps down*
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
Matt says: "If you're nervous about coming home with a stranger, I can't blame you. You can stay by yourself, in this area, if you want. But I'm not alone, you know. I have a friend living with me. He'll kill me when he sees you, but you learn to love 'em."
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: how did you know what i was thinking? i thought i was the only one who had esp? *fallows* any way i have no where elts to go but who is this friend you speak of? *heats more of the pocky*
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
*Matt thinks for a moment and decides that he wants to annoy Mello. Mello hates being called 'Mells'*. Matt says: "Lucky guess. When we get there, I'll introduce you. Be sure to call him 'Mells', okay?" *Matt places a hand on her arm.* "Let's get out of here."
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: yeah good idea and ok
nidoqueen commented…
oh come on he's got to see that she is acting just like L she's showing all the sines lol. :P over a year ago
IllusionDolls commented…
Mello may, but Matt has never seen L, before. over a year ago
nidoqueen commented…
oh ok. over a year ago
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
*Breona and Matt ride in his car, on the way to him and Mello's hideout. When they go inside, Mello is actually asleep.*
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: *her hair, tale, and ears has a hit of blue in the light as the sent of chocolate from her box of pocky reaches mello's nose* aw it seams your friend's asleep *gets out another box of pocky
breona: *her hair, tale, and ears has a hit of blue in the light as the sent of chocolate from her bo
nidoqueen commented…
pocky is addicting XD like L she loves sweets and if the smell don't wake him op nothing will lol. ^ ^ over a year ago
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
*Mello bolts upward, but relapses into grogginess. Matt watches with anticipation, but a dull look in his eye, and Breona watches with curiosity. Once it passes and he becomes aware, he looks at the two of them.* Matt says: "Morning, sleeping beauty. I brought a friend home." *Mello scowls for a slight second.* Mello says: "Oh. You brought another girl home. Try not to wake me up, this time.." *Breona begins to blush heavily, embarrassed that Matt's friend's assumption.* Matt says: "No, its not that. You really think I'd take advantage of someone this cu--er, sweet and naive?" Mello says: "That is PRECISELY what you would do, Matt. Would someone sweet and naive like you say not be the ideal target for taking advantage of?"
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: *scowls* i'll show you naive *turns into an umbreon jumps up where he was asleep and bits his nose and in telepathy* i am not that kind of woman you moron *turns back human and stuffs a box of pocky in his mouth and sits there with the box she opend earlyer and sits (like L) and eats* there now Mellsy boy don't judge people before you you know there story now if it wasn't for your friend here i could have been raped or worse killed
nidoqueen commented…
yeah she is like a fox when mad lol. over a year ago
IllusionDolls commented…
Ahaha! Just picturing that makes me smile! over a year ago
nidoqueen commented…
good. :P over a year ago
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
*Mello gags, but then chews the pocky and swallows it. He rubs his nose and pushes her back. Annoyed by this suddenly being sprung on him, Mello decides to get on her nerves, even more.* Mello smirks and says: "Oh, you're a feisty girl, aren't you?" *Matt is laughing his head off.*
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: *tale flicks wildly, with a look of anger on her face* eye for an eye my friend *moves faster then any could see she kicks him in the jaw then as soon as he hit the floor she runs and pins him there ears pined back* if i was you i'd watch what you do cos yes i can be mean when angered like a fox bot with more power *eyes glow black and a black orb in her free hand* it hurts when you land on your tale bone *shows her teeth that some how grew longer and sharper like a fox* i take pried in my tale
nidoqueen commented…
lol she kicked him like L kicked light but she moved faster lol. over a year ago
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
*Mello grimaces, takes a chocolate bar from his pocket, unwraps the top, and chomps a bit off. He lays back against the arm of the couch.* Matt says: "Oh, forgot to tell you, she's going to be staying with us for awhile." still snickering. *Mello actually smiles the slightest bit.*
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: *goes to a corner and sits (like L) and a pats her tale thinking* if he coses me to land on my tale again he's dead meat *glares at mello (like L did light) as if she could see right into his vary soul graling like a fox tip of tale flicking wildly in anger she looked like she could rip him to shreds*
umbreon: *jumps on to mellos shoulder* you hurt master you made master mad when you was implying that master was something bad when master no bad see back in our home world master famous detective be happy master bit your nose and no where elts master no bad master good master no those kind of humans as you see master no normal human no normal human is born with my ears and tale
breona: *serious voice (like L)* why did you have to go and tell him that?
umbreon: he need know master
breona: *hand goes up reveling a red and white ball* return umbreon before you make things worse *a read beam hit umbreon and the little fox pokemon disappears* you hurt my tale *a plate of cake appears out of no where in her hand with a fork and she start eating it* and for that you don't get any cake
last edited over a year ago
nidoqueen commented…
uh mello here's your sine lol i think it's a big enough clue that would at least get him to show her a pic of L hehe. :P over a year ago
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
*Mello's eyes widen* Mello says: "Matt...what is this thing? It's...talking....."
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: that was my pokemon umbreon *while holding the fork with only her thumb and pointer finger takes a bite of her cake* i was born with it's tale ears and powers *keeps staring at the two of them like she could see right into there vary soul and talks with her cheek full of cake* but i only use my powers when i must talk to some one or when i need to *takes another bite the sent of chocolate cake reaching mello's nose*
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
Mello sighs and says: "Matt, get her out of here, otherwise please, knock me out, now." Matt leans in and whispers to Mello: "I don't think it's safe to leave her on her own. Sanity doesn't seem to be her strong point. As for the talking animal, battery operated, ventriloquism....." Mello says: "Whatever. It doesn't matter to me, anymore." and leaves to find another room to sleep in.
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: i herd that and you know what i can't bleave i'm doing this but to pruve what and who i am here *walks over to them ears pined back* pull my tale as hard as you can tug my ears as hard as you can you'll see that i'm not crazy and mellsy boy i'm smarter then i look i salved many unsolvable cases where i come from i can tell you stories that my family has told me i can sit here and tell you every i know but then i'm not a blabber mouth mike some of my nephews *her tale flicking in anger again* now if i was you i'd take the time to lision and not be a baka like you two has been sense i got here bleave me if i could i would get rid of my powers tale and these ears to me it's nothing but a curse that i'v delt with ever sense i was born you try being part umbreon and see how things go for you *tears up a bit* you do not know what all i'v been threw i'v had to run for my life many of times i'v been called a freak, a demon, a monster and now from you guys crazy oh yeah i can read minds i never got sick even thow i run around bare footed, and eat nothing nut sweets i'v been chased by many evil people i'v had holy water thrown on me i'v even had a run in with a few demons *her fox like eyes start glowing black, black tears streaming down her cheeks* my life has been nothing but a living hell *points at the the darkness under her eyes* and i tell you now my friends is prufe this isn't make up and it's not just cos of a lack of sleep but also threw what i'v been threw my blood even runs black from my powers *points a finger at him and her nail grows to look like a fox claw but sharper and she pokes threw a white spot on her hand and pure black stuff poors out* that is why i say don't judge some one before you know what thay'v been threw
nidoqueen commented…
ooooooooo thay really ticked her off now lol. over a year ago
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
*Matt stands there in silence, for a moment, and Mello lingers in the hallway, just about ready to kill himself.* Matt says: "Alright, then. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings." *Matt goes closer to Breona and cups her face with his hand, giving it a childish squeeze.* Matt says: "Aren't you going to apologize to the little lady, Mells?" *Mello growls and glares into the very soul of his goggled friend, still not believing this sudden ludicrousness.* Mello says: "I did nothing to upset this girl. You told me that she was insane, and she heard you. I'm not apologizing, Matt."
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: *smacks his hand away* if you don't bleave me pull my tale and ears and if that still isn't anuff *turns into an umbreon* and threw psych* how would you explain this!?! and don't kill your self bleave me if the fate of my world didn't depend on me and my family living i would have killed my self when people started calling me a freak *eyes flash a yellow like color and mello's room was so full of chocolate bars that if he opens his door some would fall on him*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
Mello says: "You know what? A notebook that kills people simply by envisioning their face and writing down their name; our world potentially plummeting into the darkness of a childish and confused human's reign...gods of Death, all three things that which the existence of has been made clear. If there's some strong-headed girl who can transform into and animal and harbors a pet that speaks, I shouldn't be surprised, either." *Matt sighs with stress.* Matt turns to face her and says: "Okay, then. We believe you. Now, what? If you need a home...we'll take care of you. You can live with us, and you said that you've solved cases, so you may even get a chance to help us save the world." Matt smiles...
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: *nods and turns back human* my world has been threw something similar so yes i will help but i will need a laptop preferably one that has a cam a voice changer speakers and no one to bother me when i'm thinking i will also need to see the findings you have so far so that i know what to go on so how long has this been going on exactly?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
Mello says: "Providing you with a laptop won't require any effort. In fact, we already have one that isn't being used. It has been six years since the start of Kira.....and since then, he's killed....." Matt says: "Kira is someone who's been going around using that legendary notebook to kill criminals, trying to 'perfect' the world and become the god of it, or whatever. We're trying to stop them. You see, there was a detective, best one you ever saw, and he went by 'L'. L was going to stop Kira, but Kira got to him, first. That's where we come in. We're what you call the successors of L. We're not the next L, but we are successors."
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: hm sounds like he had his heart in the right place at first *goes to sit (like L) in a chair and nothing but cakes, pastries, pies, lollipops, doughnuts, chocolate, m&ms, suckers of all kinds, all flavors of pocky, even a box of sugar cubes coffee, and tea and a thing of strawberries appears on the table that's closest to her she picks up a scuir and starts putting serten pastries and slides them on* but turned evil but that kind of crime is still a crime in my book no matter what i will help find this guy make sure he is put behind bars *looks down and her ears perks up* and no one has tried to revive L? and if it's ok i'd at least like to see pic of him *looks back up at them with the most serious look* and from now on call me R till this case is salved *holds up the thing full of doughnuts* doughnut co-bob?
umbreon: *pops out of her ball again and sits on the arm of the chair wagging her tail* master smart when when master say she do something master does it master good help
breona: back in my world my family and real close friends you two is my only friends so far to be honest knows me by my real name breona harrson but every one elts knew me as R so yes from here on out you must call me R no ifs ands or buts about it you two understand?
umbreon: *goes to look for the laptop*
breona: my hearing is top notch along with my sense of smell and sight that's why i covered my ears when you shought that gun with it so close it hurt my ears so yes please my hearing is sensitive to loud noises so please refrain from shooting and loud music
last edited over a year ago
nidoqueen commented…
ok one of them has got to be seeing similarities between L and breona now. over a year ago
IllusionDolls commented…
I don't think that Mello and Matt would be noticing signs. Matt only heard L talk, and only has a gist of L's insights and style, and it is basically the same for Mello, the only difference being that he has talked with L, one time. But soon enough, her gestures and sweets and things will start to remind of of something, he just won't be able to remember what it is. over a year ago
IllusionDolls commented…
*him of something over a year ago
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
Matt says: "Revive L? Well, good to know that you're on the side of justice, anyway." Mello says: "I'm sorry to tell you, but things aren't that easy."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: *eats a stick of pocky* oh really? nothing's hard if you know how to that is *drops 5 sugar cubes in her tea and stirs it with a sucker* i always found things vary easy *licks the tea off the sucker and puts it in the little plate her tea cup is on* all you got to do is put your mind to it *picks up the cup (like L would) and drinks the tea* now again if it's ok with you two i'd like to see what L looked like *blushing a bit hoping he is just as cute as he is smart* that is if you have a picture of him and if you take me to his grave *smiles (like L) and in the softest voice and most confident look in her eyes* i 'd bring him back from the land of the dead
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
umbreon: *runs in with the laptop wraped up in her tale* here you go master
breona: *gets onto the floor but is still sitting like L she gets the laptop with two fingers and pats her pokemon on the head* good girl *again only using two fingers opens the laptop* perfect now i just need a voice changer *starts looking threw all files and doing resurch* hm so.... this is L's old laptop never mind the pic i can look him up on bing *smiles *just like L as she gets yet another thing of cake* ahhhh *gets into her pocket and gets out a SD card and plugs it in and puts her own info from her world that his one didn't have* there *starts typing faster then a normal human she corners her eyes at them* uh voice changer need one please i don't want them hearing my real voice once i make myself known and i'm not going to for awhile till..... *gets cut in mid sentience as she reads an artical and starts breathing heavier she get's three sticks of the pocky and bites down on them hard in anger*
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
Matt says: "Something wrong?"
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: *doesn't say any thing just keeps staring*
umbreon: master ether seen a pic of L and/or seen something about his death
breona: *not realizing she wasn't talking in her mind and had forgoten that the boys was there* i will find you kira if it's the last thing i do COME FIND ME IF YOU DARE!!!!!!
umbreon: *jumps back just a little* wow that first for master she normally thinks in her head not like that
breona: *stands up and looks at the two boys* take me to L's grave *still breathing hevaly no color in her eyes what so ever hands clinched into fists so tight that her black blood dripped onto the floor*
umbreon: master?
breona: take me to L's grave now *a spot on her chest glows red*
umbreon: the royal crest it glows she want's to bring him back to life
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
Mello says: "If you insist so strongly, we will." Mello gets up, puts on his motorcycle jacket and helmet, begins to exit the room, and gestures for them to follow him. Matt follows.* Matt says to Breona: "You coming?"
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona and umbreon: *fallows*
umbreon: you lucky you get to see master true power no normal human ever see master true power before
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
Matt says: "Okay, do you wanna ride with me, or Mello?"
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breona: i never been on a motorcycle before so i'll pic the car
umbreon: me ride with master
over a year ago IllusionDolls said…
Matt says: "Just a thought. You don't want to ride a motorcycle because you've never ridden one before and don't know what it's like. In that case, how would you ever know what it was like? Aren't you curious?"
over a year ago nidoqueen said…
breoan: well to be honest i'm not use to cars ether me and my family can run faster then any normal humans so we had no need for cars plus it doesn't that thing don't look at all safe even for some one that sits like i do
nidoqueen commented…
with her always sitting like L i don't think it would be safe ether. XD over a year ago
IllusionDolls commented…
I bet that could probably lead to some severe incidents. over a year ago